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Innovative Approach
to a Classic Hedged Strategy

Our active relative-value strategy is founded upon
the following key principles.

A Context employee working on their computer

Driven by strong fundamental analysis Seek to exploit unsustainable price relationships during market dislocations.

A Context portfolio manager smiling in a meeting

Identify unsustainable capital structures Screen and sort the financial data of hundreds of capital structures daily.

A Context employee searching on their computer

Structure asymmetric hedged positions Seek to build a robust portfolio that can perform across market environments with an emphasis on managing tail risk.

Apply a lower-leverage, highly active approach to traditional arbitrage Enforce position-level evaluation, seeking to focus on attaining both upside capture and downside protection during market stress.

A smiling Context employee taking notes in a meeting

Target convex returns Focus on near-term catalysts and vigilant position identification.

Copyright © 2024 | Context Capital Management is not affiliated with Context Capital Partners, L.P. or Context Asset Management, L.P.